week 5 & 6


Please remember to put Friday 23rd June in your diary because we are hosting assembly and have some fabulous plays to show you. Room 14 featured in last week’s school newsletter on the front page with nature play and in the library news. Our magnificent collage books will stay in the class until after Special Person’s Day.  A copy of our collage books are on display at the Mitcham Council.

 In maths we have been working hard at our measurement topic. The focus has been on measuring the distance between the start and end, not leaving any gaps, filling the space and not overlapping. The children are gaining an understanding as to why units for measuring need to be the same. Below is the vocabulary we are using for this topic.

Our Year 1 inquiry time takes place on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. These sessions include aspects of each curriculum area including history, geography, maths, english, science, health and the arts. Each child has a passport with pictures that reflect the place they have visited.

Jeannie Baker’s books have sparked interest in learning about how our community environment changes each season, the past compared to now and what animals are covered with eg feather, fur, scales. The children are making 3d stories, attempting various collage techniques, exploring local maps and locating places that are special to them. Children have also been exploring the idea of natural, managed and constructed spaces. I’ll post some photos to give you an idea.












Please check your child’s diary for their spelling words to practise. Also, 2 notes have come home about Special Person’s Day on Wednesday 28th June. There is currently a display of the t-shirt colour choice in the Doolette building.

I will be absent this Friday 6thand Wednesday 1th June due to report writing. Have a fabulous long weekend.  

week 4

This week we have been busy making our collage books for an exhibition at the Edwardstown Baptist Church. The children put so much effort into their books I didn’t want to give them away.

  Most children made their books with a partner. I have colour photocopied the books so each child will be bringing home a copy soon.

Today we visited the Book Fair and children wrote down the name and cost of one book they would like to purchase. More details about the Book Fair are on the school website.

We have started to work on some plays that we will be performing when we host Assembly in week 8. Put Friday the 23rd June 11am in your diary.

This week in dance we practised doing warm up exercises, running and winning a race all in slow motion. The children tried so hard to use facial expression, it really was quite something to watch !

Keep an eye out for next week’s school newsletter as our class has a page about Nature Play.

In Maths we continued to skip count and practised the strategy of making a tally.

Have a lovely weekend


week 3


Nature Play was a huge success with students engaging in problem solving, exploring and observing. A group of students from our class built a shelter which they added to each day.

This week we started our inquiry with a focus on Jeannie Baker’s books. Thank you to everyone who has organised a photo of  a grandparent as a child and now.

3d stories

Our science lab is now up and running ready for playful learning next week. Thank you for the prompt response to our mortar and pestle request.



This week in maths we have been practising skip counting by 2s,5s & 10s. We counted all the pairs of shoes in Room 14 by 2’s and all our hands by 5’s. Next week we will use a number line to skip count.

Your child has written their spelling words in their diary. The children are tested on these words once a fortnight.



week 2

This week we used our Rainbow Facts to problem solve.

We focused on the double ‘ss’ and double ‘zz’. The children made a buzzing bee puzzle in computer. We learnt about the pronouns you, me, I, he, she, it, we and they.

Next week we begin our History, Science and Geography inquiry. We would like a photo of one of your child’s Grandparent, a photo of now and as a child. I am happy to print the photos if you would like to email them to me.

Next week we have Nature Play, please see note in your child’s diary. Due to Nature Play I will not be listening to reading or sight words.

I wish you a very special Mother’s Day with your cherubs.



Week 1

Welcome to Term 2, I hope you had a relaxing holiday break. Thank you to all the families who washed our babies and dress ups.

This week we have been learning about words with double ‘ll’ eg bell, Ella, ball. We have practised plural words by adding an ‘s’ to the end.

Children were super engaged during partner reading and showed their partners respect by listening.

In Maths we have been revisiting Rainbow Facts, this is different amounts that add up to 10. The idea is that these facts become automatic without having to use counting on or touch counting.

When I told the children we are doing Nature Play in week 3 there was a big cheer ! more details next week.

This term we are working with the Year 1 team and Simone our librarian on a Geography topic, more details to follow.

On Thursdays this term we have 2 first year teaching students in our classroom.

We would appreciate any baby clothes for our activity set, triple 0 size fits our big babies.

Due to a technical glitch I can’t post my favourite photos of the week so I will upload some to see-saw.

Have a good weekend.

Week 10

Today your child brought home information about Enterprise Day which is on Wednesday 12th April. Please keep in mind that I will return the children’s money that we have been using in maths to them on Wednesday morning (if you would like them to use it for spending). The year 1 classes are selling popcorn and need some parents to help do the ‘popping’ on Wednesday morning. It is helpful for parents to take a small group of children from 12:30pm – 2pm from our class to support them with their purchases. Please let me know if you will be available for the day.

We now have 3 books circulating for home sharing – a book about subitising, our vet clinic and characters for our ‘vet’ stories.

Thursday next week is casual day and end of term dismissal will be 2:10pm.

This week we did a science investigation using ice cubes. We put ice cubes all over the school both inside and out to see which one melted first. We talked about the varying conditions in the places we put the ice cubes. The children concluded that the best spot to melt something is outside in the hot sun.




Week 8

This week in Jolly Grammar we found ‘ar’ in words and learnt about common nouns.

In playful learning our vet clinic is extremely popular and the children have brought in many of their own animals.

filling in details about the pet – problem and treatment

giving medicine


removing fleas

checking an x-ray

measuring medicine

In maths we have continued to learn about number strategies such as ‘counting on’ .

The see-saw app is now being utilised and the star of the day has been our reporter sending photos to families. See-saw is a tool to help share what your child is learning about and also to help you prompt them in a discussion about the photo.

This week in health we looked at how we are independent and 2 awards for this were given out at assembly. During Harmony Day we discussed our similarities and differences.

Next week we have parent/teacher interviews, children are not required to be present. I will not be listening to reading or testing sight words next week. I will be utilising this time to engage in conversation with the children during playful learning.

Thank you to our families who have been listening to reading.


Room 14 house keeping

A note came home today about parent class reps. On Tuesday next week, 21st March it is harmony day. This is not a casual day however children are encouraged to wear orange and give a gold coin donation. Parent interviews are happening in week 9 so book a time in as soon as possible.

Enjoy our school picnic this evening.


Spaghetti Towers

Today in science we had the challenge of making a tower with spaghetti and marshmallows. Before we started there was plenty of discussion about towers.

Today your child will have instructions how to join See-Saw. This is an app we use to share your child’s learning. Please see me if you have any questions.